Monday, May 18, 2009

To New Beginnings

Well I have decided to begin my Blog. This is actually because of an upcoming trip to Europe but I also thought that the countdown to the trip could be kind of interesting as well. That and the fact that friends are worried that since I am travelling alone for the most part, I should have a way to stay in touch.

I am looking at this blog in another way though. Today as I was reading a book I came across a passage that said, "getting older is when you realize all the things you are not going to do". I contemplated the thought and realized that actually the age I am gives me the opportunity to do the things I never have. I hope this blog helps others realize that it is never to late to realize the things you want to do.

Last week I turned 43. Wow. I still feel nothing like I thought 43 should feel like. I still feel young enough to do it all (although the morning after is not so In 5 weeks I leave for a week trip backpacking around Europe. I danced this weekend. I spent an afternoon on a gorgeous west coast beach, drank beer in "Mom's Cafe", and shot three games of pool (rather badly in a 115 year old pub (believe me, on the west coast that is

I still write poetry like I did when I was 16. I still yearn for love and excitement but yet I don't let the disappointment of not achieving it that day dictate my emotions. I love my work and I get excited by it and the people I meet...but it and they are only part of my life.

There are some things I wish I had done differently but yet when I look at where I am I wonder if that is really true. Would I give up my past? Something tells me no. But I do look forward to my future.

This Blog will I hope tell a story. A story through pictures, poems, descriptions of those who I come across in my life and my travels.

Till later


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