Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Well what to write. So often in the last days I have run through my mind what I want to write but then something new happens and I am on to new experiences and it is lost to me. Can you believe it? I forgot a pen and I couldn't even write it down in my new journal that Angela got me...lol.

Ok...let' start at the airport....

I had a wonderful 2 days with jimmy and laura. Dinner at the new Irish pub and a walk around "old town" the next day. They dropped me at the airport and I of course made friends with these four men. Two from England and Two from New Zealand. We had a lovely time and they bought me a glass of wine and. Two of them almost missed their plane and their name had to called over the loudspeaker at the airport (now that is cutting it close). I have added them to facebook...lol

So the plane...

I sat beside a wonderful couple, originally from Europe but now in Victoria. Of all the small worlds the woman was a nurse and new Elaine...lol. My air attendent upon hearing that I was in psychology, gave me her whole life story but she was sweet and it did get me great service.

So off the plane...

I wandered around and then got on a bus because it looked like fun and it had people on it and they had to be going somwhere. Well apparently somewhere was the train station ( now wasn't that lucky for me...lol). There I met a likeminded spirit. A young guy. He had just finished his BA at UBC and this trip was his reward. He didn#t know where he was going he was just going to go where he felt drawn (Where was this man 20 years ago...lol). Anyway, we parted, wished each other well and I hopped the train to Europe.

So on the train...

Apparently I have a First Class Ticket. This means VERY comfy seats and they bring you food and drinks. I sampled the Bratwurst but I must remind them for no dressing...my goodness they put a lot on. Excellent tomatoes and cucumbers (and sausage). I loved sitting there and listening to everyone speak in German. I think I was the only Canadian. Perhaps I need to travel in 2nd class to meet the other tourists. But it was fun to travel with the locals.

Destination Munich

It was 11 pm when I got to Munich and finally I was tired. Frankly, I did't care what I paid for the night, I just wanted a bed...lol. So I walked down the street from the rail station and found a hotel where I just crashed.

I woke up and realized they had breakfast included in my hotel. When I woke up I had to call the front desk because I have no watch. I always use my blackberry for time and I have left it in Canada. A true sign of burn out when you actually don't care what time it is...lol

The next morning...

I met the gardener from my hotel. He was originally from Croatia but because of the war came to Munich. He has planted these wonderful gardens at the back of the hotel and he gave me a tour. I have some pictures. Monica picked me up...she said why didn't I call last night. That is the Canadian in me...don't call past 11...lol.

We went shopping...that was so much fun...The grocery clerks thought we were crazy I think. So we have cheese and fruit and vegetables tonight and we will go have a picnic.

Ok...I am off to enjoy the 27 degrees of sunshine, sit on a deck in Munich and enjoy the sunshine...

ps...It just started to rain.



  1. I think I didn´t meet as much people in my entire life as you in those few days... sounds great!

  2. I know...I have met so many people and it is only day two...*smile*
