Friday, October 16, 2009

Wow again

Time seems to fly by so quickly. I feel like it was yesterday when I roamed the streets of Rome but yet here I am ready to jump another plane and head to Winnipeg and New York and Pennsilvanyia. I know that is why in part why i love academia...the travel...meeting new people always.

my life this last 6 weeks has been amazingly busy with a mixture of excitement and dread. Excitement for what I am doing (teaching, research) and dread (making the time for teaching and research). I am pretty sure I have to make so changes in my life soon in terms of obligations and responsibilities but I am hoping to string things along until December when my life settles a bit.

I taught on Mid-life crisis today in my class. Not that I feel that I am going through one...I taught that perhaps it is not the crises per/se but the re-evalution of ones goals...I think I need that re-evalution soon.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wow...has it really been 6 weeks

I know I vowed to keep this up after I came back from Europe but where have the last 42 days gone? lol. It has been so busy and so much has happened yet I have yet to write about it. Well i will get to the past but in the mean time...what about the present. I am too busy as usual and time is flying by. Balance seems like a dream. Yet all in all I am happy.

I have moved into a wonderful house that makes me feel happy and am just trying to settle in. The semester is settling in too. Another week under my belt and all should be good.

Ok for bed now and I will fill in the blanks tomorrow.

till then