Friday, October 16, 2009

Wow again

Time seems to fly by so quickly. I feel like it was yesterday when I roamed the streets of Rome but yet here I am ready to jump another plane and head to Winnipeg and New York and Pennsilvanyia. I know that is why in part why i love academia...the travel...meeting new people always.

my life this last 6 weeks has been amazingly busy with a mixture of excitement and dread. Excitement for what I am doing (teaching, research) and dread (making the time for teaching and research). I am pretty sure I have to make so changes in my life soon in terms of obligations and responsibilities but I am hoping to string things along until December when my life settles a bit.

I taught on Mid-life crisis today in my class. Not that I feel that I am going through one...I taught that perhaps it is not the crises per/se but the re-evalution of ones goals...I think I need that re-evalution soon.


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