Friday, December 23, 2011

And to continue

I was just checking to see if this still

So another Christmas season is upon us. What is it about Christmas that makes us evaluate the past and the future.

I will admit that the past year has been tough. I am not sure when I cried so many tears...or asked so many questions. Perhaps it is a way of getting older. Most women it would seem are concerned as they get older with the lines and the wrinkles. I don't think like that. Sure part of me wishes that I looked like I did 15 years ago but I know that is not the most important. What I want today is to have learned from my past. I kinda like my age. and yes that means I don't look 30 anymore but I don't really think about that. I have more wisdom. I appreciate more what others have been through because I have been through more.

Now don't get me wrong. Part of me hates what I have been through. But there is also a part of me that is glad. How can you relate to people when you don't know what they are going through?

It has been a tough year but yesterday I met with friends and I laughed. I laughed from the bottom of my heart. I had not done that in so long and I wondered if I would ever do it again. But it happened and it gave me hope that I was at least working my way to the other side. Sometimes just working your way is enough.

till next time


Almost the end of 2011

Wow...a year has passed. Of course the easy thing is to say "where has the time gone?"
Most people blog regularly. Not me apparently. Twelve months seems to be twelve days.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 2011

It is time for some retrospection at least. I don't think I can count how many people said this year to me "don't you remember when it was 2000? doesn't it feel like yesterday?" So true. As we often heard when we were younger, "time flies by so much faster the older you become". We spend the first half of our life trying to speed things up and then next half trying to slow things down. We all seem to have that in comman.

Life last year was certainly up and down and full of tears and yes some smiles too. Sometimes I hate that I teach adult development and I am to impart these words of wisdom to these bright, optimistic faces. However, who am I to take away their optimism? We all should be optimistic because we don't know what the future holds.

I was asked recently why I chose this career path (to understand adult development). I said honestly that it was my experience with older adults and their wisdom they imparted on me that directed my path. I was in awe that despite the pain and tears they still embraced life. I want to give that back to my students...I want to live that.

So my New Years resolutions are not to find the love of my life or to get rich...they are to embrace life and the people that touch my lives or even better to embrace those whose lives I can touch.