Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 2 Barcelona

It seems all I ever have time for are quick notes these days. The days are flying by and it is hard to believe that I will be heading north in 3 days to finish off in the Netherlands and finally fly home. I have mixed feelings for sure as I haven´t gone this long without work forever it seems but it has been such a welcome relief in so many ways. I know it will be crazy when I return but I think it will be ok since I have had this wonderful time. Reading books, relaxing, meeting new people, not talking on my Do you know that I haven´t worn a watch this entire trip and have only had to request one wake up call. It has been wonderful not even wondering ubout the time.

I had a bit of an adventure with my hostel yesterday. They said I could have my room as long as I wanted and then this morning I got up and the new guy had given it away. However, must have been meant to be because I met a lovely english chap on a patio this morning and when I told him of my dilema he pointed me in the direction of his hostel and it is so much better for the same price. So I am staying put for 3 more nights just to relax in the sun before my treck north. It has a lovely terrace to sit and read and have a picnic so I am going to do some of that for a bit as well as take in some of the sights.

Well i am off to do the gothic walking tour of Barcelona so till later.

jan :)

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