Saturday, July 25, 2009

Leaving Barcelona

I know I have been lax lately in my blog writing. It seems there wasn´t too many free moments here in Barcelona. It was wonderful catching up to Shelly and Shane and having some free flowing english conversation. Not to mention that Shelly and I kept errupting into gales of giggles unfortunately for Shane. It didn´t take much to set us off.

After finding my new hostel for the last 3 days of my trip I relaxed and did a combination of sightseeing and lounging at the beach getting massages (who can turn down a back massage for 5 euro´s) and lounging at the pool with Shane and Shelly (their hotel is much nicer than That is the downside of traveling alone in that accomodation is based on 2 so quite often you either choose the less nice option to keep costs down. Oh, well tis a fact of life and all and all I haven´t done bad in the accomodation department.

Shelly, Shane and I enjoyed a really nice night out with fabulous tapa´s and sangria after are afternoon of lounging at their pool on the roof of their hotel. Then last night we took the gondola up to the top of the mountain with breathtaking views of Barcelona and a walk around the castle. Then we had dinner in a lovely park and shared a bottle of Rose´ (well Shane and I did...Shelly said the wine sucked. Then we finished off the evening watching the "magic fountain". It is a spectacular fountain show...done to music. It is in the square that they had the olympics in Barcelona. I can´t wait to down load all my pictures.

And so tonight I am off on the night train to paris. I enjoyed my last day at the beach and a final massage (actually 2) so I should sleep like a baby tonight.

So goodby las Rambla, goodbye the mediterranian, goodbye the south of france and spain. Four more days and the call of Canada will reach me...It feels like only yesterday that I left and yet I have visited so many places, met so many people and had so many experiences.

Till later...

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