Monday, July 13, 2009

Rome at Last!

Well what an adventure in getting to Rome. But first things first.

My last night in Paris was wonderful. I met a stranger (I know surprise, surprise) and he offered to give me a walking tour of Montmartre and the views. He then took me for the best ice-cream and it was a wonderful way to end my last hours.

I left the next afternoon for Milan but somewhere just over the French Border and into Italy (in the Italian Alps) the police boarded the train and wanted everyone's passports. Do you think I could find mine. I had been keeping it in my backpack when out sightseeing. BIG mistake. I had to disembark the train with the police and go to the station to unpack my backpack. Of course the train left without me. So here I am in a strange mountain village not knowing what was going to happen. On the bright side... the Alps were absolutely spectacular and breathtaking. They sharply jut high in the sky and you can't imagine ever getting to the top.

All is well that ends well though, I caught the next train and arrived in Milan about 1 and a half hours later (this was du to the fact that I had to keep changing trains as I was on a bunch of local ones. I also left my guidebook on the train because I thought I would get back on so I had no idea where my hotel was when I arrived. I knew the area so I took a metro and hoped for the best that I would find it without my map. No such luck. Fortunately I had not paid for it. Finally I just went to a hotel across from the station and fell into bed. I have learned my lesson as you always get asked for your passport - so keep in on you always. It stays on my carry bag always. They even asked for it at the internet cafe today.

Well it took me about 2 hours to realize that I did not like Milan - fashion or no fashion. So I headed for the station and booked a reservation to Rome which was leaving in 30 minutes. I also booked a reservation for Florence for 3 days from now to make sure I can get a spot. The nice thing was that the train i was on was the EuroSTar and since I am in first class they served food and drinks for the 4 hour journey (it is a high speed train).

So I am in Rome and I love it so far. This is more like me...the old. I didn't come to Europe to be in a modern city.

It is like 35 degrees at least but the internet cafe is airconditioned. I found a quaint little hotel right in the old city. It is a husband and wife hotel in an appartment building (a one room floor converted. Very clean and I feel very safe. They even bring me breakfast to my room tomorrow morning. ah.... to explore

till later



  1. I have to admit that I was laughing when reading the story you had to get off the train at a strange mountain village. why didn´t you stay there?

  2. Because besides the police station i don't think there was anywhere to stay. It was truly in the Mountains. I am going to try and stay on this side of the law from now Glad you had a chuckle.
