Thursday, December 10, 2009

So life after 40

Well it gets better and it gets worse.

I know more than I did even a year ago. I am more empathatic today than I was yesterday. When you are 20, life is black or it is white. When you are 40, the shades of gray abound. This is good.

So when you reach your 40's you begin to anticipate the end of your life. Will I get cancer? Will I see my children be grown?

I myself always joke about being 85, sitting on a porch, still with red hair and telling my friend...Remember when?

sometimes I get scared of not reaching 85. I am not scared of death. I am scared of not getting 85 years of life in.

But I have a friend who might not even get the chance to get as old as me. And that is even scarier. I am lucky and let me never forget it. She is also lucky that soooooo... many people care about her. I am not sure I would have the same response.

We have to look under the blankets for the best of each scenerio. I had more years...She had more friends.

No it isn't a contest but it is a part of who we each are.

For me...No I don't want to trade places. I realize I am so lucky to have my children (who are grown now and so I have seen that). Did I see my life without pain...absolutely not!

Am I as good as my friend....not in this world...I am not sure I know anyone more loving, and good as her.

Is it fair?


But I do know from past experience that life is not fair.

The rambling words of a woman over 40 who is experiencing the pain of a wonderful friend who got handed a really shitty hand in life.

Life after 40 right?

Monday, November 9, 2009

how does time fly

In some ways it was so wonderful when I had time to write every day or so. Now I look back and realize that a month can go by before I have a chance to write. Life eh? I have done some re-evaluating in life lately and I hope that my changes mean a bit more time to enjoy life so that 30 days doesn't fly by again....and they say life speeds I know why

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wow again

Time seems to fly by so quickly. I feel like it was yesterday when I roamed the streets of Rome but yet here I am ready to jump another plane and head to Winnipeg and New York and Pennsilvanyia. I know that is why in part why i love academia...the travel...meeting new people always.

my life this last 6 weeks has been amazingly busy with a mixture of excitement and dread. Excitement for what I am doing (teaching, research) and dread (making the time for teaching and research). I am pretty sure I have to make so changes in my life soon in terms of obligations and responsibilities but I am hoping to string things along until December when my life settles a bit.

I taught on Mid-life crisis today in my class. Not that I feel that I am going through one...I taught that perhaps it is not the crises per/se but the re-evalution of ones goals...I think I need that re-evalution soon.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wow...has it really been 6 weeks

I know I vowed to keep this up after I came back from Europe but where have the last 42 days gone? lol. It has been so busy and so much has happened yet I have yet to write about it. Well i will get to the past but in the mean time...what about the present. I am too busy as usual and time is flying by. Balance seems like a dream. Yet all in all I am happy.

I have moved into a wonderful house that makes me feel happy and am just trying to settle in. The semester is settling in too. Another week under my belt and all should be good.

Ok for bed now and I will fill in the blanks tomorrow.

till then

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A little bit of Europe in Victoria

I decided that it must be a mindset. Here I am longing for Europe but then I realized that perhaps I wasn't giving Victoria a chance. So the sun was shining and I took my book to the inner harbour. I sat on an outdoor patio and listened to music. Soon I was chatting with others (just like in Anyway, I think I just got a compliment. These two gentlemen started chatting with me and at one point one of them asked me age. Then one of them upon hearing it said, "I really hoped that you were older than what you looked"

In a town like Victoria where youth is optimal it was actually the best compliment I could I think it is the first time anyone has ever hoped I was older.

Well off to return my movies

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thoughts on being home

You know I was reading my messages tonight and my trip feels so far another lifetime. I am back home in the "regular" and "normal" but yet part of me yearns to be back in Europe. I loved it there. Maybe I was meant to be Or maybe that is a vacation and I have never really had one before so I am yearning for more.

Well on the up side...I am going to a conference in Austrailia next May if they accept my work. So Europe aside I guess it is "Down Under" for me next year.

Now to figure out where to live in a few weeks... I have a place but fell in love with another. I really don't know but I believe in fate so if I am meant to live in the "other" it will work out otherwise I am moving to Cook Street...not bad at all.

till later


Home for two weeks

Well I have been home for two weeks. It is amazing that you can find time in your busy life to blog when you are travelling but the time disappears when you are at home and back. Today later I will sit down and start to write.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home in Victoria

Well almost 5 weeks has passed and once again I am in Victoria. It feels like I never left in many ways but yet so much has taken up my days over these past few weeks.

I am tired so I will make this short. I hope to sit down this weekend and fill in all the blanks of my trip so that "I" won't forget all the wonderful things that I experienced.

Till later then...


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Last Day in Amsterdam sad to be heading home but yet on the other hand I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family. What a trip and so many experiences and so many great people that I have met along the way.

Well today I think I will cruise the canals and just relax. it is not nearly so hot here in Amsterdam as you guys at home are getting but hopefully some of that weather will hold out for me.

Time to go...the city is calling.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A little bit of a Summary....

Well I have a few moments as I am waiting for my tour to begin to Volendam, Marken and a windmill village. I decided that a day out of the city would be a nice change so I am looking forward to it. The day is sunny but from the heat of 47 degrees in Barcelona to the brisk 23 degrees in Amsterdam, I am packing a sweater for the first time in almost 5 weeks.

You know when I look back on all of my posts there is so much that I have not said. It was always the toss up between getting back out there and walking or talking or touring and updating my blog. I hope that when I get back I will sit down and go through each of my days and try to remember what I did and who I met and write it down with words so that I can one day look back on this blog with a smile of rememberance.

I expect that when I return to the "real world" I will not have time to blog (or at least not make the time). I have had fleeting thoughts of what my life will look like over the next 4 months and I realize the busyness...but...those thoughts have been very fleeting I must admit. Who knew that I could live without a blackberry, an IPOD, a watch, or constant access to a computer. But this trip has been good for me. I have never taken a month off in my working adult life before. Even for my son's wedding last year in england I took journals and put in a couple of hours a day. However, I haven't looked at work emails and every day has been just about "experience". It is funny because you would think that days would drag when you rise in the wee hours and go to bed in the wee hours but there is just not enough hours in the day.

It is funny, this moring the guy at the hostel desk commented that he figured I was Canadian. One is that I am traveling by myself without a "boyfriend" were his words. Apparently Canadian women are more likely to travel alone. In addition, I get up earlier than anyone in the hostel and go for a walk and he says Canadian women do

This hostel I have been staying at has been wonderful. It is certainly not the nicest room of my trip but it is very clean, great breakfast included, great price, and I love the people. Everytime I walk in the owner of the hotel calls out, "Hey, Canada" and the guys I am sharing a room with are fantastic. All of us are so different but we are thrown into this intimate situation. I actually thought they were a bit thrown too when they arrived in the room to discover that they had a female roomate. I actually think the owner of my hotel (the one that calls me "Canada" did this on purpose. I am sure there are other dorms with single females in them (although I must admit the ratio of men to women here is about 3 to 1). I told the owner that I have told all my friends in canada that I am sharing a room with four guys and one who I have yet to talk to, but I know his speedo tan lines intimately...he thought this was hilarious.

My Roomate Mark....30 years old...condo owner in tech...threw it all in to come to Europe to get stoned and find the meaning of life. Shoulder length black curly hair, tall, great body...nice eyes if they weren't slitted most of the Has no idea when he is going home...

My Roomate JP...24 years...masters student in Chemistry at McGill. On a round the world trip (which I am pretty sure his parents are paying for). socially awkward but the first night I got to the hostel he was the only one in the room and once he found out I was at a university (and we had a few drinks) he loosened up. The other guys said he hadn't talked to them in the two days he had been there. So it seems I am living up to my reputation and I have the four of us having a bit of a "relationship"of sorts. Now the four of us go for breakfast each morning and at night we laugh until we turn out the lights, teasing each other about our days. Ok, mine was when I couldn't figure out how to open the door to our room and Marty had to help me...the three glasses of wine did not

My Roomate Marty...35 ish....From Austrailia (Canberra)...right in Allison's neck of the woods. He is shy but has a great sense of humour when you get to know him. He and I are the two most likely to do the sightseeing stuff so we hung out yesterday and then went for a nice dinner last night. He is on a 6 month travel to see if he wants to come to work in the US or ?. He is a web designer. Probably the most conservative of the three guys (plays golf, hangs out with his friends at the pub and drinks beer, and works). At a crossroads in his life (by his admission and wants to make sure he doesn't settle into a rut). Not really into the coffee houses like the other two. We went to the Heiniken brew pub yesterday and did a bike tour and had a blast. bus tour calls but I wanted to write a bit down for my future reference while it was fresh in my mind.

Hopefull I will get a couple more posts in but alas Canada is calling...sigh.


Monday, July 27, 2009

A bit more of Amsterdam

Well my Ausi friend (Marty) and I splurged and went for a nice seafood meal tonight. Yes, I know what you are thinking but I can have salmon and white fish so I took my chances. It was lovely...a little tucked away restaurant with wonderful service. Then we wandered through the red light district tonight. Actually it was quite interesting. It is actually much less seedy than the red light district in Paris. and quiet expensive. Apparently 50 euro's gets you only 15 minutes and that is just to get in the door...anything else is extra. Even the peeler shows are 40 euros or more. Not like in Paris when 2 euro will get you a "zapping" It is actually really pretty at night all lit up with the canal boats and the outdoor cafe's and bar sprinkled inbetween the women in the windows.

Tomorrow Marty and I are going to take a canal ride and then do the museums so that should be great. Our two other room mates seemed to be sleeping all day (I think sleeping off the effects of the coffee houses)

Well time is running out on the computer so till tomorrow and I must get back to my



Just a quick note because I am off to have dinner with one of my hostel mates.

So it is just me and 4 guys in my hostel However, they are great guys. Two from Canada (one a chemistry grad student from Western and another guy searching for the meaning of life...through the coffee shops here in Amsterdam) and a guy from Austrailia. I don't really know the other guy other than I caught a site of his speedo tan lines this anyway the Ausi and I went on a bike tour today and then went to the Heiniken Brewery today. Great guy. Here and in the US for 6 months and traveling. Like me he said it was nice to find someone to do stuff with so we are hanging out and doing some tours and we are off to dinner now and then to check out the "Doors" pub next door.

I apparently had a police report filed on my MC so I can't use it so money will be tight but I should just make

Well off for dinn and talk later


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lost in Spain

Just like the title says, Janet found herself lost in Spain. The information person at the train station told me to get on the train at platform 14 but alas that train went in the opposite direction to my connecting night train to Paris. Alas when the train finally stopped 1 hour later (even I knew i was on the wrong one 5 minutes after we departed in the opposit direction to which I had to go) i was in the middle of no where. However, as good fortune would happen, the station attendent spoke some English. He called the main station and found out that if I took another train I would end up in Ginova and my original train would be stopping their. I was immensely grateful as I had paid the supplement to have a berth to sleep in and I certainly did not want to be out the money.

all things end extremely well as I ended up at this little spanish bar at the train station that locals frequented. I felt I was in the heart of Mexico. But a nice spanish young man bought me a beer and we attempted to have a conversation (not easy when we spoke about the same amount in each others language). The bar maid was teasing him about trying to pick me up (I could get that) and then she pointed to me and said laughingly (voluptuous - with hand gesters to back this We all laughted. all in all it was a wonderful little side trip.

I ended up sharing my sleeping compartments with some young people for Indianna University so it was nice to have some English conversation (they also agreed). Then this morning I caught a fast train to Amsterstam for the final four days of my trip.

I tell you, the northern Europeans know how to do first class. I had breakfast (a lovely aray of fruit, cheese, salmon, yougart, croissants, coffee and juice) followed by an even better lunch of grilled chicken, pate, bread, vino and coffee. It has to be the best train ride that I have had.

The only down side to the end of my trip is that my mastercard isn't working (I think I set it off by taking a cash advance and that is out of the ordinary for me - unfortunately, I haven't been able to contact them as their international number is not working...uuuuggg) and so I need to be careful with my cash. Unfortunately, you can't take money out of your saving in cash machines in most of europe. So the end of my trip is in this lovely hostel (well it is clean anyways) and I am in a co-ed dorm (well one more experience eh!) (oh right it is also in the red light district). But it does include breakfast and

Well I better be off to explore...will keep you posted.

Till later

jan :)


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Leaving Barcelona

I know I have been lax lately in my blog writing. It seems there wasn´t too many free moments here in Barcelona. It was wonderful catching up to Shelly and Shane and having some free flowing english conversation. Not to mention that Shelly and I kept errupting into gales of giggles unfortunately for Shane. It didn´t take much to set us off.

After finding my new hostel for the last 3 days of my trip I relaxed and did a combination of sightseeing and lounging at the beach getting massages (who can turn down a back massage for 5 euro´s) and lounging at the pool with Shane and Shelly (their hotel is much nicer than That is the downside of traveling alone in that accomodation is based on 2 so quite often you either choose the less nice option to keep costs down. Oh, well tis a fact of life and all and all I haven´t done bad in the accomodation department.

Shelly, Shane and I enjoyed a really nice night out with fabulous tapa´s and sangria after are afternoon of lounging at their pool on the roof of their hotel. Then last night we took the gondola up to the top of the mountain with breathtaking views of Barcelona and a walk around the castle. Then we had dinner in a lovely park and shared a bottle of Rose´ (well Shane and I did...Shelly said the wine sucked. Then we finished off the evening watching the "magic fountain". It is a spectacular fountain show...done to music. It is in the square that they had the olympics in Barcelona. I can´t wait to down load all my pictures.

And so tonight I am off on the night train to paris. I enjoyed my last day at the beach and a final massage (actually 2) so I should sleep like a baby tonight.

So goodby las Rambla, goodbye the mediterranian, goodbye the south of france and spain. Four more days and the call of Canada will reach me...It feels like only yesterday that I left and yet I have visited so many places, met so many people and had so many experiences.

Till later...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A day at the Beach

Well I have fallen in love...with the beach that is. I needed to escape the crowds of the streets of Barcelona so I headed to the beach. For a few euro I had a lounge chair on the sand with the gentle breaze relaxing me and for only an additional 5 euro´s I had a lovely massage from a woman. Now that is a vacation. After carrying my backpack (which has incidently gotten heavier from all the books I have been carrying) my back was sore. However, I found out today I can do a book exchange at this travelers pub so I´ll have something new to read on my outward journey and I´ll pick some lighter

So I managed to cross off a couple of excellent vacations musts. First I actually sunbathed topless (I know not so new for many of you but riske´ for and while topless, had a massage on the beach). You can bet I will be back tomorrow...and the next day...this is relaxing (and

I am thinking of doing a spanish cooking lesson tomorrow night or catching a flaminco dancing show but we´ll see. I seem to change my mind as the wind

Well time for some relaxation and a drink on the terrace.

Till later

j :)

Day 2 Barcelona

It seems all I ever have time for are quick notes these days. The days are flying by and it is hard to believe that I will be heading north in 3 days to finish off in the Netherlands and finally fly home. I have mixed feelings for sure as I haven´t gone this long without work forever it seems but it has been such a welcome relief in so many ways. I know it will be crazy when I return but I think it will be ok since I have had this wonderful time. Reading books, relaxing, meeting new people, not talking on my Do you know that I haven´t worn a watch this entire trip and have only had to request one wake up call. It has been wonderful not even wondering ubout the time.

I had a bit of an adventure with my hostel yesterday. They said I could have my room as long as I wanted and then this morning I got up and the new guy had given it away. However, must have been meant to be because I met a lovely english chap on a patio this morning and when I told him of my dilema he pointed me in the direction of his hostel and it is so much better for the same price. So I am staying put for 3 more nights just to relax in the sun before my treck north. It has a lovely terrace to sit and read and have a picnic so I am going to do some of that for a bit as well as take in some of the sights.

Well i am off to do the gothic walking tour of Barcelona so till later.

jan :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Just a quick note as I just arrived in Barcelona and I need to find a place to stay still. It looks great and I hope to meet up with Shane and Shelly tonight. The trip along the coast line from Nice to here was amazing. It was facinating to see the homes leave their French ambiance behind and become more spanish. However, I am onto my fourth language in less than 4 weeks and so I am beginning to get

Well I will write more tonight but I have to ditch this backpack. Just letting you all know I am safe.

till later.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

The South of France

Oh my goodness. It is amazing and no wonder why everyone vacations in the south of France: I am in Nice and I am in heaven. I am so tempted to change my ticket and stay for longer. But I do know that the work calls out to me when i return home and i need to find another place to live. Another time.

The french men are certaily amourous and are very open: As one put it today with his hands over his heart...passion is me! Perhaps I aml an easy target because I am alone but I have never had so many ardent

I am off to Monte Carlo so I will make this brief and fill you in more later...I have a jackpot to Then tomorrow I will snake my way to Marsille?. and then to Barcelona to meet up with Shane and Shelly.

till later :)


Friday, July 17, 2009


Well I arrived in Florence mid day and met a nice man at the train station who gave me directions to his Mother's hotel. He wrote down his name and the price on the card and told me to give it to the reception. Of course I was wary but as it was in the centre of town I thought I would check it out. I had heard Florence could be expensive but it so far I have had pretty reasonable accomodation (2 star single rooms includin breakfast and with my own shower for not more that the price of a hostel). I feel safer leaving my backpack and exploring when I have my own room.

Anyway...I checked out some places and they were all about 10 Euro more than what this man offered me so I found the hotel and to my surprise it was a 3 star hotel. It is amazing. It is like a boutique hotel with four floor (each floor actually has a half floor as well) and winding staircases. It is furnished in antiques and has tile and dark wood thoughout. There are alsositting rooms scattered throughout the hotel fo the guests to enjoy and meet with each other. There is a pool room and an evening lounge bar and to top it off...A ROOF TOP PATIO AND BAR for relaxing and sunbathing. It stretches out a magnificant view of Florence. Well that was museums for me...I headed for the lounge and sunbathed for the afternoon while reading my novel. After dinner on a patio cafe (one that caters to the hostel crowd so 8 eruo gets you a beer and an all you can eat buffet - fruit, pasta, barbeq zuccinni, tomatoes...and on and on) I returned to my roof top patio and enjoyed the gentle tuscany breeze. Heaven.

Of course there was the annoying owners sun who kept insisting that we should be together. I had to get out my Italian phrase book to try to find 50 ways to say "NO" He spoke no English at at!...The first few times being told you are beautiful in Italian is great...after that...just plain anoying. I kept pointing to his wedding ring and telling him "Go home to your wife!"

After an amazing breakfast in the amazing dinning room (the hotel has an 1940's feeling of charm with a decor from the turn of the century (chaise lounges, candles and flowers everywhere) I stepped outside to discover that it was 45° at 10 am. I thought that there was no way I could be outside all day in that weather so I took the train to Pisa which is closer to the water so I figured cooler. It was amazing. It is so wonderful to discover the complete different way each city in Italy feels. I would definately come back to Italy.

So tomorrow I am off to the South of France. I am sure that this i the last time I will get such nice accomodation but what a wonderful exerience anyways.

Till later


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Leaving Rome and so sad

Well tomorrow morning i will leave this wonderfull city. I have loved my time here...particularly my evenings. Rome is indeed a romantic city. The cobbled streets and the outdoor cafe's. I have seen the sights but I truley experienced Rome in the evenings.

Last night a friend of the hotel owner where i am staying took me on a tour of the inner city at night. We didn't get home till 3 am and yet I still didn't feel tired. The river, the Vatican, the Colosseum, the Palintino, the Trevi fountain...ah, I experienced it best. By moonlight and a summer breeze. I climbed the Spanish steps, had chianti on an outdoor patio...listened to music and finished the evening with gelato walking the cobblestones. It will indeed be sad to leave.

Tomorrow to Florence...goodbye Rome


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Scorching Rome

It is 35° today and I think I may have suffered a tich of heat stroke. However, I toured the Colesseum and also the Palatino (the place where Rome was born in 700 BC - It was pretty magnificant even if it was a scorcher. Tomorrow I am going to go to the Vatican. I love Rome. The alley ways are alive with cafe's and shops into the wee hours. I had a lovely Pasta dinner with some Chianti last night while listening to live music.

It is funny the reaction that I am garnering while traveling alone though. Last night at dinner I was sitting beside a couple who were from Napa Valley and they began a conversation with me because they were curious as to why I was sitting alone. When I explained that I was travelling through Europe alone they were amazed. The wife thought I was very "courageous" And then this morning I was chatting to my English tour guide (late 20's i would guess) and he was astounded I was He then said that he had once decided to visit Venice alone and he said it was awful. All these people walking hand in hand - he said he felt like he was on a dinner date alone. Of course then I just thought about last

However, I have met so many people from all over the world and I might not have done that if I was with others so I am still enjoying my experience *smile*.

well it is late and the streets are calling me. Till tomorrow.

jan :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rome at Last!

Well what an adventure in getting to Rome. But first things first.

My last night in Paris was wonderful. I met a stranger (I know surprise, surprise) and he offered to give me a walking tour of Montmartre and the views. He then took me for the best ice-cream and it was a wonderful way to end my last hours.

I left the next afternoon for Milan but somewhere just over the French Border and into Italy (in the Italian Alps) the police boarded the train and wanted everyone's passports. Do you think I could find mine. I had been keeping it in my backpack when out sightseeing. BIG mistake. I had to disembark the train with the police and go to the station to unpack my backpack. Of course the train left without me. So here I am in a strange mountain village not knowing what was going to happen. On the bright side... the Alps were absolutely spectacular and breathtaking. They sharply jut high in the sky and you can't imagine ever getting to the top.

All is well that ends well though, I caught the next train and arrived in Milan about 1 and a half hours later (this was du to the fact that I had to keep changing trains as I was on a bunch of local ones. I also left my guidebook on the train because I thought I would get back on so I had no idea where my hotel was when I arrived. I knew the area so I took a metro and hoped for the best that I would find it without my map. No such luck. Fortunately I had not paid for it. Finally I just went to a hotel across from the station and fell into bed. I have learned my lesson as you always get asked for your passport - so keep in on you always. It stays on my carry bag always. They even asked for it at the internet cafe today.

Well it took me about 2 hours to realize that I did not like Milan - fashion or no fashion. So I headed for the station and booked a reservation to Rome which was leaving in 30 minutes. I also booked a reservation for Florence for 3 days from now to make sure I can get a spot. The nice thing was that the train i was on was the EuroSTar and since I am in first class they served food and drinks for the 4 hour journey (it is a high speed train).

So I am in Rome and I love it so far. This is more like me...the old. I didn't come to Europe to be in a modern city.

It is like 35 degrees at least but the internet cafe is airconditioned. I found a quaint little hotel right in the old city. It is a husband and wife hotel in an appartment building (a one room floor converted. Very clean and I feel very safe. They even bring me breakfast to my room tomorrow morning. ah.... to explore

till later


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Last day in Paris

Well the time has come to say goodbye to my Paris. I have met so many wonderful people and had such a wonderful time. I will be especially sad to say goodbye to my internet shop man. He has been wonderful and I have enjoyed my daily chats with him in my very broken french. He was laughing at me this morning when I told him that I didn't speak any Italian and I was on my way to Italy. Then he laughed harder when I told him I know no German and I survived Munich. He thinks I am by myself and knowing none of the language. I am going to buy an Italian phrase book at the train station though and try to learn some Italian in 7 hours or less.

Last night was fabulous. Shane, Shelly and I went to the Carnival and I rode the Log Ride and then we did the bumper cars. We finished off the day with an evening stroll along the Sein. They have left for Western France this morning and we hope to meet up again in 10 days in Barcelona. So I am on my own for a long stretch this time but I am looking forward to it.

Tonight to celebrate my last night I will go vistit the Latin Quarter along the Sein. They have live music along the Sein. One section does Ballroom, another swing, and yet another Line Dancing. We saw it the other night on our river cruise so it seems like a lovely way to end Paris. A picnic on the water and breathing in the culture.

Well I must go spend my last afternoon in Monmartre...

till later


Friday, July 10, 2009

Change of Plans

Well as many of you know I didn't really make any firm plans except for Paris.

I tried to get a reservation to Portugal but apparently with the Tour de France and it being the French holiday season there were NO ticket reservations for Euro rail pass holders out of Paris for at least a week. So I asked the agent where I could go and I have a ticket on Sunday to Milan. Good thing I am Still don't know where I am going to stay but I shall figure it out.

I had to change hotels today because of the extention in Paris but I have found a room in the same hotel as Shelly and her brother Shane for the next two nights. They are leaving tomorrow and they are traveling to Bordeaux tomorrow, but I am going to try to meet up with them again in Barcelona in 10 days.

Last night us Canadians (as a celebration of our last night in Paris together - most were leaving today) went on a night bike tour of the city that finished up with a cruise along the Sein. Our guide even provided wine for the cruise. We had such a blast. Of course Rachael falling off her seat added to the laughter. Oh, and then there was Shelly who couldn't stop cackling (seriously that is what it is). What a wonderful way to end Paris.

I have decided that the BEST way to see a city is on bicycle. At first I was intimidated by the traffic in Paris but no more. I love it. Cycling to Uvic will seem like such a breeze

Tonight Shane, Shelly and I are hoping to Picnic on the Sein in the Latin Quarter. They have live music and dancing along the river front where all the locals congregate. We will just ingratiate ourselves *smile*.

I haven't been able to post pictures because this internet cafe doesn't have the ability to download them. Hopefully where I stay in Milan will have that ability. I have so many great pictures.

Ok...time to see if I can get in my new hotel and explore a bit more. Or perhaps a croissant and an expresso is in order.

Till later


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

another Day in Paris

I woke up this morning to the realization that I have already completed my first week here in Europe. So much has happened in a week (as had much money disappeared) but yet the experiences have been numerous and wonderful.

I am feeling like a local here on my little corner of Monmartre. Each night I go down to the cafe on the corner and I have got to know the owner. Each night I also meet others who are also travelling. We exhchange stories about where to go from stories of where we have been. Of course the rest of the Canadian group teases me that I talk to everyone...but then my response is "why not?!"

I have enjoyed Paris but I am not sure it would be on the top of my list to return to. It is an expensive city and I haven't been that impressed with the food (expensive and rather bland). Of course our morning coissants are wonderful. I have loved my bike tour (doing another on Thursday with the cruise of the Sien) and all of the neighborhoods are unique in themselves. Definately glad I came but I wouldn't feel the need to spend more time here. However, saying that, I could live here easily if I found the right neighborhood ( or arrondissements as they are called in Paris). My french is actually improving and I find that as long as you try to speak french the locals are very wonderful to you.

Today I have donned my runners and I am exploring the neighborhood on foot. It is a bit cooler and so I can actually get by without a dress on. I also have to figure out where I will go next. I am leaning toward Portugal as I think a bit of down time after the busyness of the last week would be nice. I will go check out if there are any night trains to that area. I really found the night train an easy way to travel and sleep and not loose your daytime hours. Apparently the Orient Express has a trip to Madrid so I will see if I can catch a

Well off for a wander and I will pop by the conference. The conference is winding down but each day I meet wonderful people from all over the world. Yesterday I talked non-stop at my poster for 3 hours even though we were only required to be their for 1 1/2. Tomorrow I have been invited to attend a round table discussion on Age-friendly cities (uugg though as it is at 7:30...ah well.

Till tomorrow... Ă  revoir

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Moulin Rouge Here we come

Well my presentation is over and so Allison and I are heading to Moulin Rouge. We couldn't get tickets except to the 11 pm show but everyone says it is worth it. Last night I met two guys from North Carolina and a brother and sister from Austrailia and they said it was a show not to be missed. Plus, Patrick said it was a definate. We'll see if it lives up to its reputation.

Last night was spectacular also. The reception at the Ambassodor's residence was wonderful. Imagine the grand winding staircase and the red velvet drapes. The 18th century art and the gold plated and crystal chandelier. Then of course there were the constantly circulating waitstaff in formal wear with champagne, wine and canapies. Yes, i think I should be

Well just a quick note as I must go get dressed....

till later.


Monday, July 6, 2009

At the Conference

Hello everyone

Just a quick note to say hello. I will have to find some time to sit down and write soon but there just never seems to be a moment. Yesterday all of us Victoria folks did a bike tour of Paris and it was wonderful. I tried to climb the Eiffel Tower but I had to turn back before the first level (i was still rather high) because I froze over my reaction to the height. Today I am at the conference and tomorrow I present. Tonight I am off the reception at the ambassodor's residence. Well I am off to a session and the queu is getting quite long waiting for me to finish.

Take care all and talk soon


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Safe in Paris

Well after a LONG and eventful night train from Munich I have arrived in paris. Alison and I met up and we are checked into our sparse but cheep and clean accomodation. Many stories but our time is running out so will post more later. Off to the streets of Paris for a while!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Last Day in Munich

Well another day in Munich. My last. I have mastered the underground and I must say I have loved my travels here. Today I wandered the wonderful outdoor market and had snitzel on one of their many outdoor cafe's. Do you know that Munich has the most in all of Europe? Although i think they call them Beirgä But not to be culturally outdone, I visited the residence (the palace in some lands) and the outer gardens and then splurged and took a rickshaw through the English Gardens. Do you know that they are larger than any outdoor free park in North America? I also visited the famous Maximillion Stree where all of the famous designers have their stores. I can't believe people pay two thousand dollars for a dress...or more. It was fun and i enjoyed watching the designers leave their stores in the evening....ah european couture!

Tomorrow I am going to Neuschwanstein. As King Ludwig II said. "I intend to rebuild the old castle ruins of Hohenschwangau by the Pollat Gorge in the genuine style of the old German Knightly fortresses........the spot is one of the most beautiful that one could ever find. " This castle is the setting for Sleeping Beauty. Of course Ludwig was said to be MAD as well. The castle is set in the Swiss Alps so I am sure the hike will be magnificant.

Tomorrow night I take the night train to Paris to meet up with the group. I have never taken a night train (and I wouldn't pay the 100 euros for a private room so it will be interesting the strangers I will sleep with tomorrow night). I am sure I will fall in love with Paris too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well a full day and evening as well. After enjoying the festival and music we went to the Biergärten. Yes, an experience. Loud and fun and GREAT music...Bavarian style. So although I missed Canada Day I was with you all in spirit.

A day in Munich

Well a wonderful day. Museums and parks and a lot of people speaking I didn' hear another spoken word of English today. It shows how egocentric we Canadians are...we figure that we will be understood wherever we go :). However, I managed the subway and found myself at the centre of town where I visited museums and finally finally ...if you can believe it...a music festival. So I heard great music and had great sausage and beer and even figured out how to get home again. Well off the beergardens with Monica tonight! Apparently that is what Bavaria is about!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am enjoying the morning on the patio. Just relaxing. Maybe I needed to do that. I love that no one knows me and so can just smile and say hello. I will head out soon for Munich and see what it has to offer. Till later.

It is midnight ...Europe time...but I am awake and ready to I will go to try to catch more shut eye. I had a lovely dinner on the patio with Monica and Bryce...fresh tomatoes (they are so much better than in Canada) and cheese...good company and some good sugestions for tomorrow. What will tomorrow bring?
Well what to write. So often in the last days I have run through my mind what I want to write but then something new happens and I am on to new experiences and it is lost to me. Can you believe it? I forgot a pen and I couldn't even write it down in my new journal that Angela got

Ok...let' start at the airport....

I had a wonderful 2 days with jimmy and laura. Dinner at the new Irish pub and a walk around "old town" the next day. They dropped me at the airport and I of course made friends with these four men. Two from England and Two from New Zealand. We had a lovely time and they bought me a glass of wine and. Two of them almost missed their plane and their name had to called over the loudspeaker at the airport (now that is cutting it close). I have added them to

So the plane...

I sat beside a wonderful couple, originally from Europe but now in Victoria. Of all the small worlds the woman was a nurse and new My air attendent upon hearing that I was in psychology, gave me her whole life story but she was sweet and it did get me great service.

So off the plane...

I wandered around and then got on a bus because it looked like fun and it had people on it and they had to be going somwhere. Well apparently somewhere was the train station ( now wasn't that lucky for There I met a likeminded spirit. A young guy. He had just finished his BA at UBC and this trip was his reward. He didn#t know where he was going he was just going to go where he felt drawn (Where was this man 20 years Anyway, we parted, wished each other well and I hopped the train to Europe.

So on the train...

Apparently I have a First Class Ticket. This means VERY comfy seats and they bring you food and drinks. I sampled the Bratwurst but I must remind them for no goodness they put a lot on. Excellent tomatoes and cucumbers (and sausage). I loved sitting there and listening to everyone speak in German. I think I was the only Canadian. Perhaps I need to travel in 2nd class to meet the other tourists. But it was fun to travel with the locals.

Destination Munich

It was 11 pm when I got to Munich and finally I was tired. Frankly, I did't care what I paid for the night, I just wanted a So I walked down the street from the rail station and found a hotel where I just crashed.

I woke up and realized they had breakfast included in my hotel. When I woke up I had to call the front desk because I have no watch. I always use my blackberry for time and I have left it in Canada. A true sign of burn out when you actually don't care what time it

The next morning...

I met the gardener from my hotel. He was originally from Croatia but because of the war came to Munich. He has planted these wonderful gardens at the back of the hotel and he gave me a tour. I have some pictures. Monica picked me up...she said why didn't I call last night. That is the Canadian in me...don't call past

We went shopping...that was so much fun...The grocery clerks thought we were crazy I think. So we have cheese and fruit and vegetables tonight and we will go have a picnic.

Ok...I am off to enjoy the 27 degrees of sunshine, sit on a deck in Munich and enjoy the sunshine...

ps...It just started to rain.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Looking forward to Paris

Well four more days till I leave for Paris. So much to do and so little Typical Janet. Looking forward to zip lining tomorrow with my daughters and friends. Then I should settle down and get ready for Europe.

4 days to go

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Only 26 days to go

Well Angela asked me today how many days till Europe and I realized just over three So much to do and so little time. I know they are going to fly by, the next weeks that is.

In the mean time I having a great time with my new friend Angela from Austria and she has opened my eyes to the world of blogging and taking pictures. So here is a few from the last week.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Some words to go with Shelly's BD

What a wonderful night. Six women enjoying the beach, great food, great company, and a sunset that was magnificent. I hope these pictures tell it all. By the way..."Angela from Austria" is the silloette in the sunset :).

more shelly's bd

Moses Beach...Shelly's BD

Monday, May 18, 2009



Quote for Today

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.”

Mary Anne Radmacher

The West Coast Beaches

To New Beginnings

Well I have decided to begin my Blog. This is actually because of an upcoming trip to Europe but I also thought that the countdown to the trip could be kind of interesting as well. That and the fact that friends are worried that since I am travelling alone for the most part, I should have a way to stay in touch.

I am looking at this blog in another way though. Today as I was reading a book I came across a passage that said, "getting older is when you realize all the things you are not going to do". I contemplated the thought and realized that actually the age I am gives me the opportunity to do the things I never have. I hope this blog helps others realize that it is never to late to realize the things you want to do.

Last week I turned 43. Wow. I still feel nothing like I thought 43 should feel like. I still feel young enough to do it all (although the morning after is not so In 5 weeks I leave for a week trip backpacking around Europe. I danced this weekend. I spent an afternoon on a gorgeous west coast beach, drank beer in "Mom's Cafe", and shot three games of pool (rather badly in a 115 year old pub (believe me, on the west coast that is

I still write poetry like I did when I was 16. I still yearn for love and excitement but yet I don't let the disappointment of not achieving it that day dictate my emotions. I love my work and I get excited by it and the people I meet...but it and they are only part of my life.

There are some things I wish I had done differently but yet when I look at where I am I wonder if that is really true. Would I give up my past? Something tells me no. But I do look forward to my future.

This Blog will I hope tell a story. A story through pictures, poems, descriptions of those who I come across in my life and my travels.

Till later
